
Produce and Translate Your Shoot

The final steps to becoming a Global Lives filmmaker are to produce and translate your shoot.

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Produce Your Video
As a volunteer producer, you are responsible for planning and overseeing all logistical and technical aspects of the shoot. You will recruit the crew, oversee the budget, establish the shoot schedule and locations as well as coordinate equipment, media cards, drives, batteries, vehicle(s), transport, and more.

You are also responsible for delivering the following:

  • Life Story interview
  • 24-hour video
  • 3-minute short video

Additionally, planning, shooting, and editing a 24-hour video has a unique set of requirements. The resources in our production guide will help you prepare effectively for your Global Lives shoot from pre-production through post-production.

Translate Your Video
The on-screen participants in Global Lives videos live in countries all over the world and speak a variety of languages. Volunteers translate footage into English and dozens of other languages to provide subtitles for our work on the web and in exhibitions. To learn more about what is involved in translating a Global Lives Project video, take a look at our volunteer translator information.