A Video Library of
Life Experience

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Photo: Global Lives Producer Ya-Hsuan Huang records the life of Edith Kaphuka, Ngwale Village, Zomba District, Malawi.

About the Global Lives Project

The Global Lives Project is a video library of life experience. A nonprofit, volunteer-driven effort of filmmakers and translators, we create and curate films that capture 24 continuous hours in the life of individuals from around the world. We use visual media to cultivate the ethics of global citizenship and cross-cultural empathy for a global audience.

Help Kickstart Lives in Transit!

We are beginning production on Lives in Transit, a series capturing 240 hours in the lives of 10 individuals who move people and goods throughout our world. From bus fare collectors to flight attendants, mule packers to bicycle rickshaw drivers, Lives in Transit will bring together nearly 100 accomplished filmmakers and media artists to undertake a globally collaborative work.

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Major Construction Happening Here

Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts and Method, weÕve got a whole new website in the works! Our new video-based web platform will engage visitors with the full Global Lives collection in unprecedented ways. Much more than an archival project, the web platform will enable visitors to interact with and enrich the content, generating thematic tags, translations, commentaries, and even new video submissions.

Allowing visitors to become participants in the Global Lives Project, this advanced web interface is vital to transforming Global LivesÕ exhibit design into an interactive video installation. The new website will launch in early 2013.

View our old site.